
     HyperNet 0.5 (C) 1994 David Wallace Croft.  All rights reserved.
     The author may be reached via CompuServe at [76600,102].

     HyperNet is a fully-connected artificial neural network that learns,
     stores, and plays musical patterns.  It requires the DOS operating
     system and uses the normal internal speaker of the PC.

     Create a new sub-directory for hypernet.

     C:\> md hypernet

     Change your default directory to the new directory.

     C:\> cd hypernet

     Copy the hypernet files to the new directory.

     C:\HYPERNET> copy a:*.* *.*

     Quick Start

     Start HyperNet by entering HYPERNET at the DOS prompt.

     C:\HYPERNET> hypernet

     At the next prompt hit enter to to accept the default option and a
     demonstration of a song being taught to HyperNet will begin.

     Option? (0..20) [1]: 

     To stop the demonstration and return to the menu, press .

     To quit the program HyperNet, select option 0 at the menu prompt.

     Option? (0..20) [1]: 0


     HyperNet learns, stores, recognizes, identifies, predicts, and
     composes musical patterns.

     Learning and Storage

     If music with uncorrelated background noise and errors is played to
     the network repetitively, an averaged clean version of the music will
     be learned for playback.  The network could store several songs if
     they were sufficiently different.  That is, if the songs have long
     periods of exactly identical choruses, HyperNet may forget which
     song it was playing and switch between them.

     Recognition and Prediction

     If music that is sufficiently correlated with a previously-learned
     pattern is played to the network, HyperNet will begin to play its
     stored version of the music.  The network could also be trained to
     play back or silently display a sequence of notes that would
     uniquely identify the title of the song.

     Composition and Reinforcement

     When the menu option "training" is not on and the network is allowed
     to play freely, the network will gradually settle into a stable
     pattern, or tune.  During the settling process, one can store a
     good tune by saving the networks weights to disk.  One can also
     re-inititate the creative process by adding random de-stabilizing

     Non-Musical Applications

     Although HyperNet was designed to learn the patterns of music, many
     other temporal and stationary patterns may be learned as well.  By
     assigning notes (that is, their associated neurons), to particular
     events or states, you can now hear the patterns.  Thus, every system
     or function has its own "music."

     To learn the time-varying relationships between the inputs and outputs
     of a non-musical system (an arbitrary state-machine), one can assign
     a musical note (that is, a neuron), to each of the states in the system
     to be modeled.  For example, if on any given day you decide it is
     sunny, cloudy, raining, or snowing, you could attempt to train HyperNet
     to sound one of four different notes for each type of weather on a
     given day.  You would then be able to hear HyperNet play a tune that
     changes as the simulated seasons change.

     For stationary patterns, such as the input to output relationship of a
     function, a musical note could likewise be assigned to each input or
     desired output to create a "song" that starts and either quickly
     comes to a conclusion or continues to loop.  For example, if you
     wanted a note to sound everytime two separate events occurred
     simultaneously that would cause the stock market to rise, you could
     assign one neuron, or note, to each of the two events and a third
     neuron to represent the rising of the stock market.  You would then
     train HyperNet to play the third note when and only when the first and
     second notes are on at the same time.

     Future Improvements

     The ability to load and save learned patterns to a file.
     Optional generation of random inputs to enhance creativity.
     An increase in network size to improve learning.
     Screen display in the format of musical score.
     Optional input from a file, MIDI device, or microphone.
     Optional sound card output.
     Generation of non-pure tones such as speech by combining frequencies
       generated by fast "clicks."

     [Needs to be revised to match current software state]

     After running the default training program given in "Quick Start"
     for about 5 minutes, stop the program by pressing .  Select
     options 2, 19, and 13 to turn off learning and training and reset the
     network.  Select option 1 to begin the experiment.  Initially, nothing
     will happen as the network has been reset.  Press the following keys
     in order quickly:  1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.  As this is the beginning of the
     default training song, the trained network will begin to play and
     finish the full song by producing 1234567890.  This is known as
     "pattern completion".

     Turn learning back on by selecting option 2.  Turn off the tones
     by selecting option 11.  Turn off the screen refresh by selecting
     option 10 and entering 0.  Start the experiment by entering 1.
     You will hear a rythmic pattern of fast clicks.  Each click
     means that one or more neurons are turning on at that time.
     Press the space bar to refresh the screen.  Note how the screen
     refresh delays the clicking while it is working.  Press many of the
     number keys in any order and listen to how the clicking changes.
     The rythmic clicking will slowly change over time generally moving
     from an unsteady series of beats to a final stable pattern.  Press
     ENTER to return to the menu.

     Turn the tones back on by selecting option 11.  Turn training back
     on by selecting option 19.  Change the training song by selecting
     option 20 and entering "9876543210".  Begin the training by selecting
     option 1.  You will hear a fast sequence of tones as training
     progresses.  After a minute, press ENTER to return to the menu.  Turn
     learning and training off.  Reset the network by selecting option 13.
     Set the refresh rate to 1.  Start hypernet again.  Press "1234567890".
     Notice that HyperNet settles into some strange pattern.  Stop the run
     and reset the network again with option 13.  Restart the run and press
     "9876543210".  Notice that HyperNet quickly settles into that pattern
     which it became accustomed to during training.

     Discretize the real intermediate values of the sine function to 10
     levels.  Assign each of these values to one of 10 musical notes.
     Create a training file with the 10 musical notes firing over time
     in a sinusoidal fashion with a frequency of your choice.
     Future Experiments

     If microphone input is available, place the microphone in front
     of a radio or television for a few days.  Frequently repeated jingles
     will gradually be stored and parroted back.

     Neural Network Basics

     The following is an introduction to the workings of neurons and
     networks of neurons.  As explanatory devices, the analogies of a
     glass of water and a electronic circuit are interspersed.

     A neuron is the basic information processing cell in the brain.
	    ----> /      \
     Inputs ---->| Neuron |----> Output
	    ----> \______/

     A neuron has inputs, such as ion currents, and an output, such as
     a membrane voltage potential.

     A glass can be filled by a current of water.  When tipped over, it
     will spill forth its contents as "output".
		     _______                         _______
		--> /       \             Same  --> /       \
	  Input -->| State X |--> 0       Input -->| State Y |--> 1
		--> \_______/             Again --> \_______/

     A neuron has an internal stored state which determines the output it
     will generate for a set of inputs at any given time.

     This internal stored state of a glass of water would be a measure of
     how filled it is at any given time.

     Input Current --> *----*----* Output Voltage
			  _____ Capacitor
			   ===  Ground

     The current state of a neuron may be stored as its present membrane
     voltage level which is originally polarized at some resting potential,
     or voltage much as a charge is stored on a capacitor.  Positive input
     currents tend to raise, or depolarize, the voltage.

     One could also think of this as a trickle on water filling a glass
     that starts out half full.  The "capacitance" would be some measure
     of the capacity of the glass to hold water, such as its diameter.

	    Voltage (-) and "Firing" Output Current (*)

	       +1|         *****_/
		 |         *  _/
		 |         *_/
     Threshold =>|........_*.........
      Voltage    |      _/ *
		 |    _/   *
		0|_*_*.*.*.*.........--> time

		     |   _   |
     I --> *----*----|__| |__|---*
		|    |_______|
	      __|__  Threshold
	    C _____
	       ===  Ground

     The neuron will "fire" if the membrane voltage exceeds some threshold
     value as driven by the input currents and rapidly rise independently.
     This can be modeled as a threshold-sensing device which is "on" only
     when the voltage on the capacitor exceed some positive level.

	   |------| glass           |-------|           /\   Tipping
	   |      |                 |       |         /    \
	   |      |                 |       |       /wwwwwww/w
     |-----|wwwwww|-----| pivot     |www|www|     /wwwwwww/  w
     |     |water |     |           |www|www|   /wwww|ww/    w
     |     --------     | stand      ---|---     \www|/      w
     |    Front View    |          Side | View     \/|       w
     =                  =               =            =      www

     For our water-in-a-cup analogy, consider that the cup of water is on
     a steep slope or pivot.  When it is filled with enough water, it will
     tip over and spill all of its contents and then right itself.
				 |   _   |       Voltage
     I --> *----*-----*----------|__| |__|--*     |
		|     |          |_______|      +1|
	      __|__    \ Switch <----/            |      _/|
	    C _____   |                           |    _/  |
		|     =                          0|___/....|....
		|    ===  -                       |        |
		|     =  Battery                  |        |
		|    ===  +                     -1|        |
		|     |                           ---------------> time

     After a neuron fires, its voltage will drop very suddenly to a value
     below its resting potential, or hyperpolarize.  In our model, the
     threshold-sensing output device also controls a switch to a negative

     In the case of the cup, assume that, once tipped, it is completely
     empty instead of half empty as it started.

				      |   _   |       Voltage
     I --> *----*----*----------*-----|__| |__|--*     |
		|    |          |     |_______|      +1|
	      __|__  |           \ S <---/             |      _/|
	    C _____  \          |                      |    _/  |
		|    / Slow     =                     0|___/....|....._
		|    \ Leak    === -                   |        |   _/
		|    /          =  E                   |        | _/
		|    \ R       === +                 -1|        |/
		|    |          |                       --------------->
		*____*__________*                                 Time

     The voltage of a neuron not being depolarized by positive input
     currents will gradually return to the resting potential, unless it has
     exceeded the threshold, whether it must drop from a depolarized, or
     positive state, or rise from a hyperpolarized, or negative, state.
     For this purpose, we add a small leakage conductance (large resistor).
     This completes the "leaky integrate and tire" neuron model.

	   |      |
	   |      |             |        Large Pool of Water           |
     |-----|wwwwww|-----|       |wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww|
     |     |wwwwww|     |       |wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww|
     |     ---*----     |       |wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww|
     |   tiny | hole    |       ----*-----------------------------------
     =         \        =          /
		     small hose

     To model the small leakage conductance with our glass, imagine that
     there is a tiny hole in the bottom of it that allows a slight leak
     of water in and out through an attached small hose.  This hose is
     also connected to the bottom of a large pool of water whose surface
     is level with the mid-point of the glass.  When the glass is empty,
     the leak will slowly fill the glass up to the half-way mark.  When
     the glass is nearly full but has not tipped yet, the leak will slowly
     drain the glass down to the half-way mark.

     The output of one neuron may drive the input to another neuron.
     To "excite" a neuron is to drive it with positive input currents
     which raise its voltage potential.  This driving neuron, when firing,
     releases a chemical known as neurotransmitter which creates input
     currents to the driven neuron.

     If our cup full of water spills, the flow may pour into other cups
     below it, possibly causing them to tip over as well.

		/      -------->
	 *----/  ----/\/\/\/\/\/----*     Neurotransmitter Switch
	 |  Switch   Conductance          to Excitatory Voltage Source
	 =  +
	=== Battery
	 =  -
	=== Ground

     This neurotransmitter is released at a junction between the driving
     neuron, which generates an output, and the driven neuron, which
     receives inputs, known as a "synapse".  Here, we model the
     neurotransmitter as a switch which allows current to flow.
       ___________________                          ____________________
      /                   \       ---------        /                    \
     | Pre-Synaptic Neuron |---->| Synapse |----> | Post-Synaptic Neuron |
      \-------------------/       ---------        \--------------------/

     Since the information flows from the driving neuron across the synapse
     to the driven neuron, the driving neuron is called the "pre-synaptic"
     neuron and the driven neuron is called the "post-synaptic" neuron.
     *---/\/\/X/\/\------*    Adjustable Conductance

     The effectiveness of the neurotransmitter in generating a weak or
     strong current is partially determined by the conductivity, or
     "weight", of the synapse.  We can model this as a variable conductance
     (or potentiometer).
     |        |     Tipped
     |WW|WWWWW|W    Glass
	|        W
	=      \ W \  @  Adjustable Shutoff Valve
	    Pipe \ W \|
		   \ W|
		      w  Controlled Drip
		   |  w  |
     Using the water analogy, we can visualize a pipe running from the
     spillway of one cup to the next with the water flow controlled by an
     adjustable valve.

	      OFF _  ON
	  /      |\
     *---/  ---.....X.....------*    Disconnected Synapse
	  S          \

     A synaptic weight of zero means that the pre-synaptic neuron is
     effectively disconnected from the post-synaptic neuron.  No current
     will flow.
		  /     <-----
	     *---/  ---/\/\/\/\----*
	     |    S        G
	    === -
	     =  E              Hyperpolarizing Inhibition
	    === +
	    === Ground

     Synaptic weights may also be negative which generates negative
     currents which lower, or hyperpolarize, the voltage membrane.
     "Hyperpolarizing inhibition" makes the neuron less likely to fire.

     Assume that our glass might have a hole in the bottom which is
     opened by current from an inhibiting glass by pressing on a spring-
     loaded lever or water wheel.  When the glass is drained empty, it is
	      /                  /      \
	 *---/  ---/\/\/\/\---->| Neuron |
	 |    S        G         \------/
	 |                 Shunting Inhibition
	=== Ground

     "Shunting" or "silent inhibition" generates currents which drive
     the membrane voltage to its resting value, or "ground", whether it
     has to lower the voltage from a depolarized positive value or raise
     it from a hyperpolarized negative value.  Whereas excitatory and
     hyperpolarizing weights can be considered as positive and negative
     conductivities to a positive potential source, shunting weights
     should be considered as conductivities to ground.

     The glass may have other small holes in its bottom with tubes
     running to the large pool which, when opened by flowing water from
     another glass, bring the water in the glass back to the level of
     the pool.

     |\     /|        Networks of Neurons (N) and Synapses (S)
     | S   S |
     |  \ /  |
     S   N   S        N--S-->--\
     |  / \  |                  ==>N
     | S   S |        N--S-->--/
     |/     \|

     A collection of neurons connected by synaptic weights is called a
     neural network.  A neuron in a neural network may have non-zero
     weights to none, some, or all of the neurons in the network.
	     /             \        Autapse
	    |          ---  |
	 ---*----S--->| N |-*-->

     A neuron may have a synapse to itself known as an "autapse" because it
     automatically drives an input to itself after some transmission delay.

			 Input  Hidden  Output
			   /\     /\    /\
			  |  |   |  |  |  |

      Input Sensation        \ /   \ /        Output Behavior
			     / \   / \

     Some of the neurons in a neural network may be considered as "input"
     neurons, such as those neurons receiving sensory inputs, and others as
     "output" neurons, such as those generating behavioral output.  Neurons
     in between are called "hidden" neurons or interneurons.

     A "feed-forward" neural network is arranged so that there are no
     feedback paths from a neuron to itself.
     Information in a feed-forward network generally flows from the input
     neurons to the middle or "hidden" neurons to the output neurons.

       ||           ||  Three Neurons Fully-Interconnected
	N<===>N<===>N   Including Self-Connections
       / \   / \   / \
       \>/   \>/   \>/

     A "recurrent" or "feedback" network has feedback paths.
     A "fully-interconnected" network is a recurrent network which has
     connections from every neuron to every other neuron going both ways.
     The "neuron state" is the current output of a neuron, usually 1/0,
     "on"/"off", "firing"/"resting" (and possibly "tired" also).
     The "network state" is the current value of all of the neuron states
     in the network.

     Pattern State of a Network Displayed in Spike Raster Format
     (Pattern State "Wave")

	Neuron                             '!' = Firing Spike
	     0 !       !       !           ' ' = Not Firing
	     1   !   !   !   !   !
	     2     !       !       !
	      ------------------------> Time

     The "pattern state" is a particular dynamic looping oscillation or
     stable repeated sequence of network states over time.  Which patterns
     will emerge depends on the synaptic conductances, or weights,
     connecting the neurons. Pattern states may not emerge if the weights
     in the network connections lead to instability.

     "Learning" is what a synaptic weight does when it modifies its
     conductance to achieve a desired output for a given input set.
     "Training" is the process of causing the weights to learn.
     Training may either be "supervised", "unsupervised", or

     Supervised training forces the network to learn to generate a desired
     output given an example training input.  An example of this would be
     to "clamp" the voltages of neurons in a network to desired values and
     allow the synaptic weights to learn to generate those voltages on their

     Unsupervised training allows the network to learn to generate outputs
     given training inputs in a manner which seeks stability with the hope
     that the outputs will carry some unforseen information.  Here, only
     the inputs are given and the outputs are allowed to settle where they

     Reinforcement training is similar to supervised training except that
     the an indication of performance error is given instead of the exact
     desired, correct outputs.  An example of this would be to simply
     indicate "yes" or "no" as the network settles into a desirable or
     undesirable pattern.
     HyperNet Operational Specifics

     HyperNet uses excitatory and shunting inhibitory weights.

     The transmission delay between neurons is limited to 100 times the
     time delta (dt) maximum.

     HyperNet is sensitive to timing issues, such as screen output delays.

     The user performs supervised training on the network by firing neurons
     using the number keys at the desired time intervals or by creating a
     training file in spike raster format with the filename HyperNet.Mus.

     When the "Tones On" parameter is off, firing neurons emanate "clicks".

     HyperNet uses "autapses" which extends the common meaning of "fully-

     HyperNet uses a personal variant of the Hebbian Learning Rule known as
     FISL which tends to drive the fully-interconnected network into
     stability.  This rule can be useful in implementing supervised,
     unsupervised, and reinforcement training.
     Ada Programming Language

     HyperNet was written in Ada, the "International Software Engineering
     Programming Language".

     The author may be contacted for access to his personal standard Ada
     and Meridian OpenAda for DOS software libraries used to create
     HyperNet and other Ada programs.


     My thanks to Professor James Boyk of the California Institute of
     Technology for his guidance while I was in his class "EE/Mu 107c:
     Projects in Music and Science."

Transcribed to HTML on 1997-10-27 by David Wallace Croft.