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Beliefs of the Humanist Fellowship of North Texas






਍ഀ Definitions਍ഀ




਍ഀ Humanist
n. One who is concerned with the interests and welfare of humans.

n. A close association of friends or equals sharing similar interests.




਍ഀ Belief
n. Mental acceptance of and conviction in the truth, actuality, or validity of something.




Our Mission




It is our mission to provide a fellowship and forum for individuals and families who value a rational and naturalistic lifestyle, focusing on the interests and welfare of humans.਍ഀ

਍ഀ We want to create a sense of community for the members of the Fellowship by providing activities and settings which encourage the building of friendships as well as the stimulation of Humanist thought and activities. We also want to encourage our members to become involved in their neighborhoods and communities, so that we can help foster good will from the public toward secularists and affect positive change in our community and government.




Philosophical Beliefs

  • We believe that humans are rational, autonomous beings; capable of freely deciding what is good and ethical. We believe that allowing external authority to dictate this to us without question is irresponsible as well as irrational.
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  • We believe that people are happier and more fulfilled by interacting in a mutually beneficial way with other people and society at large.
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  • We believe that a diversity of viewpoints is desirable in a pursuit of truth and happiness.
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  • We believe that we can approach one another as equals, and each take away benefits from having known the other.
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  • We believe that thinking critically and objectively is the basis of learning and discovering truth.
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  • We believe that we have no evidence of anything outside of the natural universe, and that we can only interact with our surroundings through natural means.
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  • We believe that helping others to achieve a rational state of mind is in their best interest as well as our own.
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਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Creative Commons License਍ഀ
਍ഀ ਍ഀ Copyright 2005 Steve and Emily Morris
਍ഀ You may copy this webpage under the terms of the਍ഀ ਍ഀ Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.਍ഀ
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